Kevin Giulekas


What inspires me about my job?
Learning something new every day, which helps me help my clients achieve their goals.

Goals I want to achieve:
Improve my sleep hygiene.

My favourite way(s) to stay active:
Playing with my son- skating, cycling, rollerblading.

One thing in my daily routine that brings me peace:
Hugging my loved ones.

My hobbies include:
Being the best Dad I can be, listening to & reading books, listening to podcasts, watching tv (The Leafs and Yellowstone are the big ones right now), contemplating exercises (sometimes I do them).

One item from my bucket list:
Travel more (Europe, Australia).

If I entered a talent show my talent would be:
Dad jokes.

"You can't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.” “If you keep on dancing you'll never grow old.” “All you need is love.”